The power of Holy Durva Grass

Durva is a sacred grass and has a special significance when it comes to Lord Ganesha. The word ‘durva’ is derived from the words ‘duhu’ and ‘avam’. ‘Duhu’ means, that which is far away and ‘avam’ means that which brings closer. Thus, in a way, we can say that the Durva grass brings the Ganesha devotees closer to him. It is especially an important offering when you perform Ganesh puja. The Durva grass consists of three blades which represent the three principles of primal Shiva, primal Shakti and primal Ganesha. Durva is said to have the highest ability to attract the Ganesha principle which explains why it is an important offering made to Lord Ganesha.
Durva grass is a traditional herb used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines since time immemorial. Durva is a perennial creeping grass which grows in any type of soil. The spreading nature of the grass could be the reason for Durva to be known as the Devil’s grass. Durva in Sanskrit means “which is cut or eaten by animals”. Durva grass is a storehouse of healthy nutrients like proteins, calcium, potassium, fibre, phosphorous, carotene, sitosterol.
Benefits of Durva
Enhances immune function -Durva grass contains protein fractions which enhance the immune modulator activity that helps in optimizing the immune system.
Cures skin problems– A paste of the Durva grass mixed with turmeric and applied on the affected area is a remedy for a host of skin related disorders.
Improves digestion– To treat acidity, one should take juice of Cynodon dactylon (3-4 tsp) and water (1 glass) empty stomach in the morning. This mix is quite effective not only for acidity but also beneficial for stomach ulcer, colitis, and stomach infections.
Controls blood sugar levels– Doob grass juice along with neem leaf juice is good in normalizing blood sugar level.
Relieves stress– Consumption of Durva grass juice regularly relieves stress and strengthens the nervous system.
Epitaxis– Cynodon dactylon is effective in stopping of nose bleeding . For this, one has to put 2 drops of doob grass juice on the bleeding nostril.
Purifies blood-Juice of Durva taken every morning on an empty stomach is said to detoxify the body.
Boosts heart health– Regular consumption of Durva grass juice helps in reducing weight and the cholesterol levels.
Cure for conjunctivitis– A few drops of the juice is dropped in the eyes to treat conjunctivitis.
Cares for Hb– Durva contains 65% of chlorophyll thus is a natural remedy for treating anemia as it increases the red blood cells.
Good for a woman’s overall health– A spoon of the Durva grass juice taken along with yoghurt is effective in treating Urinary tract infection and vaginal discharge in women. Durva strengthens the uterus and is highly beneficial for curing abortion. It is a natural remedy for PCOS (poly cystic
ovarian syndrome) and boosts production of prolactin. It is very effective in treating excessive blood loss during menstruation.
Relieves oral problems– It is used to treat bleeding gums and bad breath.
How to consume Durva grass– a few strands of Durva grass should be taken and washed properly with clean water. A fine paste should be made by adding a little water to it. One spoonful of this paste should be mixed in a glass of warm water or milk in order to avail health benefits from it.